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The Guardian: Parents ‘horrified’ by response to petition after suicide of Bristol student

Lisa Ravenscroft

The Guardian has shared a piece titled 'Parents ‘horrified’ by response to petition after suicide of Bristol student'

We have shared before information about the tragic suicide of Natasha Abrahart, we know that the university missed opportunities to intervene and support her, because of this Natasha’s estate brought a claim against the university for failing her, and the judge allowed her claims under the Equality Act, but only because her anxiety and depression met the statutory definition of a “disability”. Worryingly if she had not met this definition the university would not have been liable, this is because currently there is no common law duty of care for a university to take steps to prevent harm, only one not to actively inflict the harm which we agree needs to change. You can read the full article here.

We know that this isn't a black of white situation and each tragic loss is different, with a different set of pressures and circumstances, but having recently spoken to THE LEARN NETWORK which has been set up by families, who have lost a family member to suicide at university, it is certainly necessary for a debate to happen in Parliament, if you support that a debate needs to take place, please sign the petition here.



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