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Office for Students - New OfS condition to address harassment and sexual misconduct

Lisa Ravenscroft

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It is a shame that enough universities didn't follow the recommendations on harassment and sexual misconduct from the Office for Students when they were first released, and it has now become necessary to make these compulsory.

This is something that as a society we seem unable to address, with as many as two million women and girls every year thought to be the victims of male violence. 

We have had guidance for universities on tackling this since our conception, and we are happy that our Founder Member Universities take this seriously and already embrace our Code of Practice, putting them way ahead of the curve and already prepared for the recommendations by the Office for Students. 

I have looked through the recommendations, and I am happy to say, that our Code of Practice, covers all their recommendations and a lot more, so if you want join our Founder Members and get your university ready and ahead of the proposals, please get in touch, as we do all our instruments separately, so you can be accredited in the prevention of student harassment and sexual assault, universities need to look at their policies and prevention strategies to ensure this is something that declines.

Please get in touch if you would like more information on our Code of Practice in this area. You can read the full article and recommendations here. 

Lisa Ravenscroft – Communications Manager for ProtectED. You can contact me on: m: +44 (0)7889 933034 or at

Twitter: @ProtectED_HEI

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