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ITV News - Family of student who took her own life seven hours after university result want better duty of care

Lisa Ravenscroft

Earlier this year we followed closely the progress of the call for a Duty of Care for Universities when the case of Natasha Abrahart made the the headlines, when it was reported that the University of Bristol had lost its bid to overturn the ruling that it discriminated against Natasha Abrahart.


This week the family of another student Mared Foulkes, who unfortunately seven hours after receiving confusing and incorrect results from Cardiff University. It seems that Cardiff University has changed some of their practices and procedures which is great news, but I think it will be something that will come up again and again, as unfortunately this is something that has not yet been resolved. The situation around each of these losses, is always going to be very different and personal to the student, and added to this the extra complication that at 18 and over, students are classed as adults, it is a very difficult situation to navigate. ITV have written an article looking at the case of Mared Foulkes, you can read the full article here.

Lisa Ravenscroft – Communications Manager for ProtectED. You can contact me on: m: +44 (0)7889 933034 or at

Twitter: @ProtectED_HEI

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