ITV News - 'Andrew Tate admirer' planned Leeds Trinity University shooting 'for the lols'
I am sure it is every universities biggest nightmare to have an onsite terror incident.
Although it is something that is more common in other countries it is clear it is also a very real danger to students and staff in the UK.
Thankfully in this case concerns were raised, and the processes worked where Nicholas Rees was concerned and a major incident was avoided, as Nicholas was found with guns and chemicals before any attacks could take place. This incident does demonstrate the power of observation, and the power of speaking up and raising concerns when someone is acting out of character or sharing disturbing intent.
Changes are coming soon; with the Protect Duty (Martyn's law) model on the horizon, which will help ensure that universities have the correct measures in place, to help protect their students and staff. Incidents like this showcase the importance of having plans in place if an incident does unfold. Prevention and preparation is the key thankfully our Code of Practice covers everything from security training, mental health support and easy access for students to make a report. So, if you want to get ahead of the introduction of Martyn's Law I would definitely take a look. You can read the article looking at the Leeds Trinity University incident here.
Lisa Ravenscroft – Communications Manager for ProtectED. You can contact me on: m: +44 (0)7889 933034 or at
Twitter: @ProtectED_HEI
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