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BBC News - University students volunteering to walk dogs

Lisa Ravenscroft

As it is National Thankful for My Dog Day, I wanted to share a lovely uplifting student initiative for a change.

I actually caught this on the television this morning after getting in from walking my own dogs, and thought it was a lovely scheme. With mental health concerns and loneliness on the rise, this scheme is helping students in so many ways. I know that other universities do this and some have run similar schemes in the past which were probably changed do to Covid, but I would definitely recommend dog walking for mental health, especially if students are missing their own dogs, and the fact the schemes asks students to walk the dogs in pairs, gives an extra boost to the social aspect. I know I have met some long term friends walking my dogs.

Freya and Winston my dogs, and yes Freya does have eyebrows

Obviously schemes like this can come with problems, but I think if due diligence is put in place, it could help a lot of students. Walking, fresh air and a lovely dog can work wonders, having a break and taking my dogs out definitely benefits me. You can read the full article here.



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