Sep 18, 2017
Student blogs: First day at university nerves
I went to university at twenty-two. I left it a little late because I know for a fact I was not ready to go to university straight out of...
Sep 13, 2017
Student Blogs: My perspective on university mental health services
Exam periods, essay writing, presentations, tuition fees and student loans are only some aspects of university life that may cause...
Sep 11, 2017
Student Blogs: How I dealt with homesickness at university
For most of you, university will probably be your first experience of living away from home. While some people adapt to this new style of...
Sep 7, 2017
Student blogs: Dealing with anxiety at university
It wasn’t until May 2017 that it finally clicked. I was attending a concert (The Vamps, I know…) in London with some friends. Our seats...
Sep 5, 2017
Student blogs: Juggling work and family life
I had a good will to write an extra blog entry before I leave for my annual trip to Prague but my honourable intentions were met with a...
Aug 28, 2017
Student Blogs: Staying safe on a night out
Plans of staying safe and getting home in one piece can sometimes feel of secondary importance to the Big Mac meal many-a-student finds...
Aug 23, 2017
International student blogs: Between two cultures
I am a mature student. I am an international student. I am also an EU expat, or immigrant if you like, who has lived in this country for...
Aug 14, 2017
Student Blogs: The dilemmas of a mature student
“What on Earth am I doing here? What was I thinking?“ I mumbled under my breath as I was going through another airport security style...
Aug 7, 2017
Student Blogs: Things I wish I'd known before starting university
Entering my third (and final- eek) year, all of those reservations I held about what my university experience would be like feel like a...
Aug 1, 2017
Student Blogs: Waiting for results day? Ellie shares her tips to make it a little easier!
The countdown is officially on! In just a few weeks, those of you waiting to hear about your A-level results will finally know if (and...