Apr 25, 2018
Student Blogs: Maintaining a relationship at university
When I first considered going to university, people began with the typical questions and statements: “Do you really think you and your...
Apr 18, 2018
Student Blogs: Reclaim the Night – why did it start?
Reclaim the Night is a yearly event which takes place up and down the country, usually in university towns or cities. The Reclaim the...
Apr 11, 2018
Student Blogs: Managing your transition out of the ‘university bubble’
I’ve always thought of my university experience as this bubble-like state. For the past 3 years, I’ve known exactly what I’m doing and...
Mar 19, 2018
Student blogs: How to be an environmentally friendly student
As a student you may think there is not a lot you can do to positively impact the environment on a large scale, but that’s where your...
Feb 23, 2018
Student blogs: How to react if someone comes out to you
Nobody needs to say how important coming out is. Whether from second or first-hand experience, everyone knows that a person coming out to...
Feb 14, 2018
Student Blogs: What to do when your results don't go to plan
Having to undertake exam or coursework-based assessments are a given part of university life. Unfortunately, however, they don’t always...
Feb 7, 2018
Student Blogs: Overcoming divisions between international and British students
UK universities often pride themselves for their international outreach. At London School of Economics for example, 70% of all students...
Jan 31, 2018
Student Blogs: Preparing for the graduate job market in your first year at university
September is surely a memorable month in a first year university student’s life, including Fresher’s Week, new friends, a new environment...
Jan 24, 2018
Student blogs: My health and wellness tips for university students
Let me start off my wishing you all a Happy New Year (although I’m sure it’s too far into January to still be saying that, sorry!). And...
Jan 19, 2018
Student Blogs: How I stay motivated on my university degree
There are a number of reasons why some people lose motivation at some point during their degree. Many feel overwhelmed by the amount of...