
Job hunting after university
University is often the last step for someone before they move into their chosen career field. After years of studying and refining the...
Aug 27, 2021

Finishing University- What’s next?
University is such an important part of someone’s education. It’s a time when you get a brilliant qualification in whatever career path...
Jul 13, 2021

Student difficulties in accessing university support services
With an ongoing global pandemic, university support services are as salient as ever. With the majority of students studying remotely, and...
Apr 16, 2021

University students must be protected from sexual violence
Universities are meeting places for people from all over the country and abroad. Hence, they reflect the systemic sexism that is present...
Mar 17, 2021

9 ways to stay entertained while staying in
Student Roost are an award-winning student accommodation provider with properties across the UK. Who's aim it is to provide the best...
Dec 3, 2020

My engagement with RAMHHE during Lockdown
The unforeseen first lockdown due to COVID-19 was undoubtably challenging in so many aspects as I mentioned in my first blog. However, I...
Nov 19, 2020

Bring on the crazy COVID-19 parties!
It’s hard to think that since January 29th, months since the first two confirmed cases of COVID-19 struck the UK, that life would’ve...
Nov 13, 2020

Online Lectures, Isolation and Tier 3: The New Norm
It’s been an interesting few weeks, I have since my last post for ProtectED moved back to the city of Salford to begin my third-year...
Nov 3, 2020

My Lockdown and 2020 Summer Round Up
At times, the lockdown felt like being trapped on a deserted island, where I lost track of time and control over my future. However, I...
Oct 27, 2020

Looking Ahead – A University students’ thoughts on returning to study in September.
The world seems to be ever changing these days, since my last post for ProtectED in March; where I talked about adjusting to a new life...
Aug 11, 2020